My Metaverse media partner Haridsam Resident aka Hari Sutherland is in the final stages of completing SECOND LIFE - The True Virtual World in Words and Pictures, his upcoming coffee table book devoted to SL, and is looking for a few more personal testimonials from SLers. Here's what he's seeking, and how to get in touch with him:
What I need is two-three paragraphs (up to 250 words total), true personal accounts from people whose RL quality of life and mental/emotional state has been significantly improved by their participation in SL, especially in the areas of parenting or adoption, social acclimation, physical/emotional healing (e.g., from trauma), or meeting a life partner who transformed their RL for the better.
People can reach me by notecard in SL (haridsam.resident). Cutoff date is Tuesday November 5. Anyone whose story I feature will receive a L$2,500 thank you honorarium.
Read more about the book here. Questions for Hari? Ask in Comments or get in touch with him via his Discord account, haridsam_resident.