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Friday, November 01, 2024


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I get it, everyone has opinions and thoughts about this election..however you cannot parade opinion as fact.

Trump has publicly disavowed Project 2025 numerous times..

See: https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/aug/20/how-accurate-are-warnings-by-democrats-kamala-harr/

And also a direct statement from the campaign itself:


If you allow this to be posted, I will be shocked but at least you'll read it. I hope.


Trump disavowing Project 2025 is like the cat sitting innocently next to a broken butter dish, licking the butter off his paws. Project 2025 was written by his people.

Another reason to support Harris is Trump's association with Elon Musk whose X has provided authoritarian government names and details of dissidents in those countries. The people he doxxed in Saudi Arabia were executed.


Luther Weymann

In the international business world of Fortune 500 C-Level executives, where the daily responsibility is enormous, the hours are long, the thinking must be crystal clear to make everything work, and the policies and business rules must be clear cut, neither Harris nor her Chinese Communist loving choice for VP, based upon their proven track record of incompetence, could possibly hold down one of those C-Level jobs. Yet sad fantasy-living liberals think she should have one of the most critical jobs in the world. Good luck, America. You’ve raised a generation of people who can code and make money but lack common sense.

Noel Loordes

@Luther Weymann - Okay, let's say you're right about Harris in that regard. But how in the world would Trump be a BETTER choice by that logic? His businesses do not exactly have a good track record, and it becomes increasingly clear that he is sliding off into actual dementia.

Luther Weymann

@ Noel Loordes - Let's say you have two bad choices. Dying of cancer untreated. Or dying of cancer after six months of chemo treatments, which nearly kills you and makes you nonstop sick. You have two bad choices. You usually pick the one you think has a more qualified history and chance of success. But sometimes, people choose to just die and keep going on with how they have been the past four years.


Or here is an idea, stop telling people who to vote for. Lol. This is SL not the actual US. Most people use SL as an escape from this, they sure as hell don't want this in their face. I mean sure, people have a right to express their opinions. However, the problem is that instead of say staying away from a politically loaded topic and not telling people who to vote for.


... And sometimes, people choose suicide by taking the Trump pill. Immagine the common sense of voting for a criminal, psychopath, anti-democracy lunatic encouraging insurrection, traitor of the West, ... Luther is essentially saying: "This soup isn't quite to my liking, so let's switch to this concoction of pureed garbage and shit with shards of glass. Why doesn't everyone share my impeccable taste? What a generation without common sense". Yeah, good luck USA.

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