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Tuesday, November 12, 2024


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Love Yourself

"Now, think about all this under a hostile government. Yikes!"

More propaganda and fear mongering into the minds of already vulnerable people dealing with their own traumas and disabilities. Don't you get tired of it, or is your "audience" really that profitable that you keep on going?

Set an example and do better Hamlet.

True love extends beyond oneself

Trump's stance on trans people and the LGBT+ community is undeniably hostile. Those who claim otherwise are often the ones under the influence of propaganda, gaslighting the public into ignoring the clear evidence.

LGBT+ anon

Trump's previous administration has been marked by misleading rhetoric and actions that undermine LGBT+ rights. Now they have spent nearly $215 million on ads against what they call 'transgender insanity' this election cycle. Women's rights in general, not only LGBT+ women's rights, are also at stake. It's not a "maybe tomorrow" situation. They have already begun, they are doing it, and they promise to do more. States with Republican leadership have been following suit for years now, pushing policies that dismantle protections and roll back rights.

Trump's campaign thrives on hate and misinformation. LGBT+ people (and other minorities) become scapegoats and are tangibly targeted. This hostility, as well as attempts to demoralize LGBT+ supporters, is a well-documented pattern of behavior and aligns with Russian propaganda.

Globally, we're seeing a resurgence of anti-LGBT+ sentiment, with some countries criminalizing LGBT+ identities once again. If you are part of a targeted community, it's worse without adequate data protection.

Plain text communication is inherently unsafe. The fact that US government agencies have targeted virtual worlds, even if considered low priority, proves that such surveillance happens, depending on who the perceived enemy is. With Trump's campaign, gender identity issues are often called a 'dangerous ideology' to uproot, and he is notorious for his deranged policies. Who would have expected attempts to undermine net neutrality outside of authoritarian regimes? And yet here we are.

Maybe Trump will pass the next four years just playing golf and telling nonsense, and I'm sure the Lab employees are generally very friendly (though bad apples have shown up) and I agree also about San Francisco Bay Area. However, this situation and these patterns are not reassuring. US companies already have weaker data protection than the EU, and new deranged policies that companies would have to follow could undermine what we have taken for granted until now.

In any case, if targeted, and it's not just the USA, users in Second Life could be easily compromised due to the lack of encryption. I think Second Life implementing encryption would be a good idea and essential for user safety.

LGBT+ anon

Thank you, Wagner, for supporting women, the LGBT+ community, other minorities, and everyone who finds help and comfort in virtual worlds.

Iggy 1.0

It is not fear-mongering to worry about this, but I'd be less worried about SL and more worried about a Constitutional Convention under Article V. To quote from Common Cause:

"the group of people convening to rewrite our Constitution could be totally unelected and unaccountable. There is nothing that could limit the convention to a single issue, so the delegates could write amendments that revoke any of our most cherished rights – like our right to peaceful protest, our freedom of religion, or our right to privacy. There are also no rules preventing corporations from pouring money into the convention to ensure they get their way."

If that happens, we have no guarantee of a suspension of the Bill of Rights under a theocratic or for-life autocratic US government. With that outcome, no online havens would exist for US citizens. That would become a Cyberpunk fantasy.

All citizens need to read the original text of Article V from Madison's day and study the history recently.


Yes, the threat is that grave, and it's possible. The consequences are in the realm of speculative fiction, but not pretty. Enough states (Red and Blue) have already voted for a Convention that we may see one. Six more need to approve the motion and we'll have a Convention.

I can only hope the next President is busy mass-deporting immigrants, posting to the X Cesspool, and punishing enemies that he does not realize what he could do to finish his vile work. More here:


The Founders would be rolling in their graves, even Jefferson who favored limited government. As he told Madison in a letter in 1789, Madison feared the rule of a single person (a king) where Jefferson feared the rule of the few (an oligarchy).

I fear that could be were the nation is headed; the world would feel the effects.

Candice Candy

This doesn't seem to be about SL at all and just a rant about the most recent election. SL is extremely LGBT+ friendly and always has been, with many employees being LGBT+ themselves.

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