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Wednesday, November 06, 2024


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Sowa Mai

"They are powerful and important alternatives to social media, where content is algorithmically served to enforce our preferences (often at the expense of seeing a fuller picture of current events, if not outright misinforming us), and optimized to encourage anger with each other. (More anger equals more engagement.)"


SL is where i find out what people are thinking in other countries. The connections I make over the years has broadened my view, fostered empathy, and provided support I am not seeing in my local rl. The opposite of social media.

David Bell

I think you're mistaken about the LGBT+ community being virtual-worlds-only.

I also think that you and Mr. Rosedale are mistaken about the safety of any USA-based internet operation. Your country has almost no effective protection in law for personal data. Nothing makes virtual worlds special.

LGBT+ anon

Maybe if they move to the EU.
Virtual worlds are surely helpful to LGBT+ people, gender expression and more, and in general I agree, but since we are talking about safety and "safe havens" after this election, I think it's important a word of caution. Apart from some abusive people you could meet also in virtual worlds, I won't feel safe with USA-based Internet companies, as David Bell said, even less now and in the next years.

Second Life is an especially bad case: communication is still sent plain-text and it's logged, with anything you did and where you did go. They keep the info for long(*) also the employees access to those logs, your other data and your inventory. That's for tech support, but also to investigate abuse reports. For those purposes it is fine, right? Except it's well know - and also with sources on Wikipedia, see the articles on global surveillance - that US gov agencies spied on virtual worlds, among which Second Life.

Now, think about all this under a hostile government. Yikes!

And remember who is backing Trump now, it's not just Trump, Musk financed him, and used ex-Twitter to spew misinformation, he doesn't even care for his children and he's really against trans people; his trans daughter now wants to leave the United States.

Also on Second Life, even though you would be usually welcome, not all the users are LGBT+ friendly. Not counting trolls, anti-LGBT+ profiles aren't so rare, and they too spew misinformation and hate. Not just random avatars, but well established ones, some with their own land, Trump propaganda sings, also some community and several creators as well. A notorious vehicle builder was even calling for the death of woke people (she used a slur in place of people). Traderwinds Yach Club has been systematically harassed for years by their neighbors, until about 2021, you can ask them. Other dudes are less obvious at first, but then they tell toxic or hateful things. At one point, I decided to only go to LGBT+ places in SL. But a popular place had to put a "no politic" sign, because some of this happened there as well. Certain SL residents, who are clearly not LGBT+ friendly, often engage in the forums, skirting the rules and making it difficult to discuss trans topics, which frequently leads to threads being locked.

On the plus side, as you said, in a virtual world, this stuff won't be algorithmically recommended based on your past views, but it is definitely present.

So, although virtual worlds are surely beneficial for LGBT+ people, I think it's important to stay careful. Now even more, on US-based virtual worlds.

* = the yearly rez-day summary sent to you by mail looks like an example of this. Not every user receive it, but many do. It contains how many regions you visited etc. since your previous rez-day. It doesn't look like it's just region crossing, but unique regions. So, they should have a list that they keep.

Lydia Mulford

This seems like a good place to mention the Avatar Therapy for psychosis study:


sirhc desantis

The cult of Phil omits that he is a bit of a techbro. Possibly benevolent but still. For all my faults I trust him - but he flits in and out. And yes I am very scared for my Sisters and Brothers out there.
Also that Lancet thing posted by ser Mulford is from 2018. Things change

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