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Tuesday, November 19, 2024


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It has nothing to do with trolling and scamming or being a non-member, or even trusting and everything to do with griefing which is different. Griefing typically involves
a user using worn or rezzed scripted items that cause havoc on the land or to a person's viewer, like rezzing out so many items that it uses up the parcel allowance and nothing else can be rezzed, or using items that are so heavily scripted they cause massive lag spikes on the land, or items that are so graphically complex they crash people's viewers.

Combined with the fact that land owners don't always own the entire region so they can't prevent items being rezzed if their neighbours allow rezzing on their parcels, as well as SL allowing mass account creation (where the griefer just passes these griefing items to each account they create), land owners are forced to implement measures like banning profiles that are not older than 30 days to curb the griefing.

If LL wants to grow the SL userbase they need to address measures that can be taken to prevent griefing and then land owners wont have implement 30 day bans. It needs to be LLs responsibility and not leave the SL community to come up with their own solutions.


Inviting new users to the platform is increasingly difficult because of security systems like this, however I have one security system that I absolutely have to keep.

My region is rated (M) because I sell skin and will often have customers who need to strip down and demo products, tint and match things together without having to leave the store to do it. Child avatars are not welcome on my sim because of this, but do not seem to self regulate themselves. I have a security system that detects child avatar mesh bodies and sends them home with a message telling them that it is inappropriate for a child avatar to be there.

Why are they not allowed? Because no one wants to be stripped down without clothes while demoing a skin to match their mesh genitals or other parts with a child avatar near by. It was such a problem with child avatars entering my sim during hunts and other events that I participate in that bring users to my store that I had to impliment the security system, in fact I had it custom made for me.

I wish LL would tackle the child avatars in adult spaces problem and I feel it is actually really doable server side without the use of the system I had comissioned.
LL could address child avatars showing up in regions they are not allowed in, by making child body and head users register these bodies and heads with an asset tag, that could be selected as a unwelcome/welcomed asset at parcel and region level.

The same could be said for adult content too - do you have a region or parcel that you want to stay absolutely PG and child avatar friendly? Adult content should be registered as adult, and that adult tag could be selected parcel/region side as unwelcome. This would make it so that you absolutely could not place down or wear adult assets where they are not allowed.

No one respects the rating system on regions anymore, and no one is enforcing them except for fringe cases like my child detection security system.


I believe Gayngel's right about griefing being a very real concern and a major reason for the wait period. I do like the idea of a trust system, and it might promote added engagement. As for precise and complete change orders...I got nothing. Pretty much *any* change LL makes is going to upset some of our more volatile residents, and in that regard SL is no different than other virtual worlds. Most of them will get over it, but anything which can be done to promote retention is going to be a positive.

Martin K.

What about putting new users in their own private instance of a world instead of banning them? In this way, new users could at least visit and explore a world on their own. Visiting private instances of a world has the added benefit of protecting new users from the toxicity of other users in many worlds.

Luther Weymann

Usually, security systems are used for three primary reasons. 1. Mainland and people who occupy mainland homes that are not theirs as a login landing point, or like to land when someone is having virtual sex in bed and stand there and make everyone uncomfortable, or a griefer. 2. Private regions where both men and women get stalked by exes who like to enter the room while the ex is having virtual sex. Private region residents would rarely enter another private region resident's house during sex; it's usually a weirdo stalker or ex. 3. Some people don't want any visitors at all. For the past ten years, I've had it in my About Land description that anyone is allowed to hang out in my pool or living room, and I don't care. I get many visitors, and my visitor tracking software says no one stays for more than a minute or two. However, I did meet a lovely brunette lounging in my swimming pool. That was fun.


New User experience for SL has always been bad but not a huge concern because "What new users? Who is joining Second Life in 2024?"

But try it on an alt. It's bad. Many places will just kick you because your account is too new.

What are you supposed to do in that first month?


How about we abolish all banning and boundary lines on all mainland and public areas instead?
Why start some Social Credit type of bs based only on time or how many friends someone has when the issue is more about being banned and kicked without any griefing or ill intent whatsoever!
If people want privacy so much, then encourage them to pay for private parcels and regions, and leave the mainland and public areas open to actual exploration, socialization and sharing!
SL'ers got it all backwards. They want more tools to ban griefers, when in almost every case, it was THEM who created the griefers in the firs
Chicken or egg I say!
I guarantee you, the people who complain about being griefed or harassed are the same who are absolute jerks to people especially new, because they are paranoid, excessively private due to strange activities in areas they don't belong, etc or expect privacy where there should be none.
Open up SL again, return to the fun it used to be, but it probably wouldn't work anyway because the regulars have no skin or patience left so have become toxic and selfish in their own right and keep people away just with their bad attitude.
No SL doesn't need any more moderation, rules and gatekeeping. There's more than enough, it's just that SL has geriatrics that want to keep it all to themselves and won't let anyone new in to play.

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