The reader conversation around creating an AI-driven experience that improves Second Life new user retention continues. Just please, writes, Zane Zimer, no SL bot like Clippy, the intrusive, unhelpful "assistant":
Microsoft's Clippy is still a point of jest, all these years later. A 'character' is not the answer. Simple, intuitive, perhaps even guided, viewer help is a good idea. I would argue simplification of some of the innate SL complexity would go a long way to that first experience though. Heads/bodies (and other parts) are a disjointed mess. AOs, vehicles, needing to learn to 'build' to basically change your look. At the end of the day though, if there isn't anything to keep them in doesn't matter how good that first experience is.
Just no goddamn Clippy!
the AI bot can ask the new user what about Second Life they're most interested in doing ("building", "shopping", "roleplay", etc.) and then get connected to a designated SLer volunteer who's most qualified to help them.
There's nothing about this that requires AI. It would probably be more reliable to not use AI for this (assuming you're thinking of generative AI to refer to the entire AI project, which unfortunately so many people are doing lately).
Posted by: William Gide | Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 09:08 AM