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Monday, December 02, 2024


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William Gide

I would immediately quit out of any game/world/etc. with this constraint: "if the new user is using it for the first time, they cannot disconnect the AI bot until it finishes." Forcing someone to interact with an AI is just a way to tell them they don't deserve the attention of a real person.

Zane Zimer

Microsoft's Clippy is still a point of jest, all these years later. A 'character' is not the answer. Simple, intuitive, perhaps even guided, viewer help is a good idea. I would argue simplification of some of the innate SL complexity would go a long way to that first experience though. Heads/bodies (and other parts) are a disjointed mess. AOs, vehicles, needing to learn to 'build' to basically change your look. At the end of the day though, if there isn't anything to keep them in SL...it doesn't matter how good that first experience is.


This is an excellent idea, although I'd say an angle mesh HUD might be a better option, and also make it so it can literally become your SL assistant, and make it customizable over time. Even add an extra HUD slot specifically for it. So it doesn't have to take a slot something else would use. Make it somehow able to interact with the users voice would likely be asking too much, but yeah. AI has a lot of potential.


Any game server or platform in the past that started to fill in bots because there was noone around was a sure fire sign of death.
Even if you could trick people into interacting or visiting sims with bots, after the first time, or the second time, people declare it dead and spread the word even faster "place is dead, all it is is bots now"
Good luck with that
Phillip is drunk on AI, can afford to mess up SL "tinkering" around as they do, just another nail in the coffin or detriment to growth.
People come to SL because their friends come to SL. It needs nothing but a reason for friends to join together, play dress up doll, and laugh at and with each other.
AI bots won't bring anyone, but go ahead and try. When does LL listen to their customers anyway, right?

Luther Weymann

Not all that's for sure, but many Day 1 avatars who I have shown around SL on their first day and followed my teleport lead to sandboxes, free dance places, underwater, rezzed things, I've taken out on a boat, and taught to chat, have repeatedly gone back to a free Day 1 dance place (Muddys) and clicked the dance ball I taught them to click and dance and then gone back many times to socialize. And socialize is the heart of feeling good about a virtual world for many people. My idea for AI to help avatars is some attempt at a personal experience in SL. The idea of Governor Linden or some personalized AI bot is the right path. I have proven to myself that a personalized experience for Day 1 avatars is one of the best ways to make people immediately feel comfortable in SL's non-gaming, figure-it-out-yourself world, and want them to come back for more.


I was helped when I joined and, in turn, I gladly helped other people who joined later.
On a human level, being helped and helping someone is a completely different experience from following an automated tutorial. Furthermore, it demonstrates to new users an example of the social interactions, as well as sharing your experiences, having fun together with other people on the platform. The automated tutorial should serve as a backup option, not a replacement.
On the other hand, often nobody is available to help. And some individuals offer assistance with ulterior motives, i.e. to hit on newcomer girls. Also social anxiety exists.
The AI assistant, available 24/7 and at your pace, could be welcomed if it's optional, not forced, and doesn't pop up always, unsolicited like Clippy, but allows users to call it when needed.


I like the idea of quests to familiarize with SL controls etc, making learning more enjoyable (to that I'd add achievements as rewards, as another feature to further increase engagement). Note that you can do that with a simple script, no need of neural networks, unless you want a chat interaction.

Current models are helpful with many things. Language models are good at natural language processing. The most immediate use for Second Life, if integrated into the Viewer, would be for real-time translation (a more seamless experience without Google Translate, nor HUDs using the API, and your chat won't be sent to third-party companies). Then, Speech-to-text can make SL more accessible to who has hearing impairments. There are projects on GitHub that classify and organize your files, which in theory could be used also for SL inventory management. There is a myriad of potential applications.

But if you want an AI assistant for newcomers, then you need a model fine-tuned with newcomer-mentor interactions and a robust grounding system. For example:
Newcomer: "How do I meet other people and make friends?" AI: "What are your interests?" Newcomer: "Airplanes." AI: "You should search for airports and aviation groups." [opens SL search]. Newcomer: "How do I ..." AI: [starts the relevant scripted tutorial or fun quest]
This approach reduces hallucinations and instructs the user on how to use the SL Viewer tools.

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