Via the VRChat metrics site and a highly helpful VRC source, here's the latest concurrency trends for our favorite next gen metaverse platform. If you click to embiggenate, you'll see that peak concurrency has been trending toward 120,000 in recent weeks, hitting just shy of that over the Thanksgiving weekend holiday.
That's decent growth from last New Year's Eve -- that holiday is typically the platform's biggest day, usage wise -- when it reached the 100,000 CCU milestone. (105,991, to be exact.) This concurrency has been steadily, slowly creeping up every weekend, with most of the usage from Quest users.
Given these trends, I think there's a pretty decent chance VRChat reaches another milestone soon: 150,000 CCU for this New Year's Eve.
Because historically there's been a spike of user growth every holiday season:
Yes, because of "QuestMas", as new owners of Meta's headsets flock into VRChat during the holiday break. So assuming we see a few hundred thousand new Quest headsets sold over this holiday season, a 150K New Year's is plausible.
Then again, one caveat here is VRChat the company might not promote New Year's events as much as they have in previous years; it requires them to create many multiple instances to handle the overflow crush of new users. Lots of pain and extra costs when many of these users are just tourists.
According to those stats, that is quite a lot of players.
When you actually have players, you want to show the stats.
If you don't have any, you want to downplay stats, get your fanboi minions to make excuses and call anyone negative who dares to compare and speak of dwindling and substandard concurrency, and that's where you will see Linden Lab situated.
Linden Lab is always about "oops something is broken, that's why our numbers are frozen for MONTHS", or "some database issue" or "you don't see the logins we see" bla bla bla bla
Every other platform is eating Second Life's lunch, which is now a haven for mostly old and grisled "sunken cost fallacy" individuals who can't leave even if they wanted to, and those who seem to still find fun in quiet, non-talking, non-interacting stagnant dead sims and shill for the whole thing against anyone that says otherwise.
Roblox and VRChat are kicking butt, because they deserve it.
Posted by: HalfOfTheOfficeDoesn'tWorkShouldBeFired | Wednesday, December 04, 2024 at 01:06 PM