Now on my Patreon is part 2 of an in-depth chat I recently had with Philip Rosedale on Project Zero, the company's code name for streaming Second Life on a browser. (Which you can still try for free here, in increments of 10 minutes,) In this section, we get into his strategy on completely re-imagining the UI of Second Life -- and the very hardest aspects they'll eventually get to!
Join free to read it all here, and consider subscribing for extra benefits.
Tested on Chrome at 90 Mbps. It's nice. You can expect almost everything from SL in a web browser. You can't double-click and TP; the draw distance was not there, but that's okay. It looks like a good job of getting SL into a browser. With mobile and web platforms, maybe SL will pick up some new users. It's been a long time since the days of 80k concurrent, and I would love to see some of that comeback.
Posted by: Luther Weymann | Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 08:11 PM