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Wednesday, January 29, 2025


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OMGWTF Barbecue

Really exciting to see these ads start going out! My only critique on the one linked here is that the voiceover doesn't sound inviting. It sounds maybe AI-generated, and a bit stern - Doesn't convey a fun vibe, rather it sounds like they want me to join the Army. A more warm, welcoming voice would be better. Maybe other versions of the ad have different voices? I've also never heard an SL resident say "Second LIFE", putting the emphasis on the second word like that.

Zidders Roofurry

This looks like they spent five minutes using a random AI generator to make it. On top of that using the phrase 'tribe' like that is cultural appropriation. Most social media companies avoid using it for this reason. https://www.vegandesign.org/blog/thewordtribe

As far as Madpea goes I'm not sure partnering with a company that (over)charges a premium for creative content is the way to go. You're not going to appeal to creative types by going with a company that advocates for the gatekeeping of created content. Second Life was built on a communal sense of shared creativity. That means while we may pay for content people create creators should be encouraged to share their efforts and help people make more things. Instead, Linden Lab would see SL turn into Roblox at home, with things like luxury products and loot boxes/gachas being the order of the day.

There are plenty of people in SL they could have gone to that could have come up with something better, and much more meaningful. This is what happens when you have rich CEO's who lack empathy in charge of approving ads that are meant to appeal to actual human emotions like empathy, and a sense of community.


I have been playing for over 18 years!

Kaylee West

As a regular user of both SL (17 years) and VRChat (6 years), one of the big things that keeps me in SL and frustrates me with VRC is how much easier it is the change up my avis look and wardrobe in SL than VRC. I also feel, strangely, that the continents are a big selling point. Many AAA games boast about how big their maps are, how you can endlessly explore every corner of their maps. VRC has some biggish worlds, but nothing like SL's continents and Blake Sea. Only in SL can you buy a luxury yacht and sail for hours on end, stopping at different port and explore the surrounds, or jump in a car of your choice and drive around an extensive road network. From another perspective, there appears to be a growing number of people looking for AI companions. I have made one for myself so that I have "intelligent" company when I travel around SL (not all of us are good at the socialising thing). Maybe making the creation of AI companions (actual avatars not animesh which can't be rezzed) easier and highlighting this as a feature of SL (as against Replika or Kindred) might draw these users in?


Great that SL is marketing. Great that they are promoting games. 2 things I've always complained about. What I'd like to also see, is free land for games. Developing a game is hard enough, and then in SL, you have to pay for expensive land. LL should have a program where people/groups can apply for free land to develop a game. The land doesn't always need to be free, because once the game is done, it should make some profits and able to pay for the land. Getting there is impossible though with current land fees.

If LL is going to redo the UI, then it needs to incorporate all these new features that avatar creators have. User created HUDs are done extremely poorly,and all of them are laggy. Moving much of this into the UI will vastly decrease lag. It will also help creators to have a more universal way to adjust your avatar, instead of every creator having their own way that everyone needs to learn. The avatar system in SL has always been good, but LL hasn't been upgraded it since it was first implemented.

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