Speaking of VRChat hiring, I kinda feel like the company should go ahead and hire community creator/merchant "lackofbindings" to make default avatars. Because, I mean, watch above. (Starts slow but shit gets real around 20 seconds in.)
I watch this somewhat whimsically, because amazing avatars like this once seemed pervasive in Second Life as well (as here, in 2007) but are much less prevalent. They're still around, to be sure, but you have to look in earnest, and they're definitely in less abundance on the active marketplace. My working theory, as I wrote in the book, is the launch of avatar-based mesh for ultrarealistic humans too quickly dominated the market after 2010:
Continue reading "Watch: Seriously Amazing VRChat Avatar Makes Me Miss Them in SL" »
Virtual Worlds Are Relatively Safe Havens for LGBT People -- But Many Concerns Remain (Comment of the Week)
A reader who signs themself "LGBT+ anon" throws some important and necessary cold water on my tribute to virtual worlds as safe havens for LGBT people:
More from LGBT+ anon and my reply after the break:
Continue reading "Virtual Worlds Are Relatively Safe Havens for LGBT People -- But Many Concerns Remain (Comment of the Week)" »
Posted on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 01:34 PM in Avatars and Identity, Comment of the Week, Social Structures, Social Upheaval | Permalink | Comments (6)