Here's the top seven NWN posts I most enjoyed writing and publishing last year -- I hope you enjoy reading them too:
- We're Not Ready for an Era Where People Prefer Virtual Experiences to Real Ones -- But That Era Seems to Be Here
- Second Life Users' Tolerance of SL's Technical Troubles Helps Stymie SL's Growth -- Here's Why
- Facebook Didn't "Kill" Virtual Worlds, But It Did Show Their Shortcomings (Then Again, the Opposite's Also True)
- Myst Co-Creator Rand Miller Thinks Worlds Like Second Life & Uru Live Have a Future on Tablets
- Second Life is Not the Metaverse -- But That's Not What It Was First Invented to Be
- Neal Stephenson Talks CLANG! The Game, The Stories That Inspired It, and Why He's Funding it With Kickstarter
- Dishonored's End: Harvey Smith & Raphael Colantonio on Designing a Game That Changes Based on Player Behavior
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