Here's the latest teaser video for Linden Lab's Sansar featuring Max Graf, a longtime 3D content creator famous in Second Life for his awesome Rustica experience. Max also built a version of Rustica in Blue Mars, the now-defunct, PC-based virtual world from 5-7 years ago which seems to have many similarities to Sansar.(As some early Sansar users have also noted.) As it happens, I helped launch Blue Mars as a consultant, and with that (ultimately frustrating) experience in mind, I asked Max why he thinks Sansar won't suffer Blue Mars' fate (or for that matter, the many other virtual worlds that haven't taken off).
"I was among the first 3 active users there [in Sansar] back in September," Max tells me, "and even from the beginning there has been a much stronger sense of direction, to be honest. They seemed to have a much better idea of what they were trying to produce and how they wanted things to go. The other primary difference is that they have so much of what SL has taught them to go on. The Blue Mars team were basically a core game development studio and really had no idea what to do or which direction to go. I mean, the only playbook anyone has on how to make a successful, virtual open world platform is Linden Lab, and even they continue to write new chapters as they go along. It should be no surprise that they have a distinct advantage."
He's right about the Blue Mars team's background -- the core devs were veterans of Square/Final Fantasy.
Interestingly, Max seems neutral on whether Sansar will primarily succeed as a VR platform: