Image credit: Moth Heartsong
Here's a quarantine-related challenge that isn't specifically about the Coronavirus, but instead, is about what what we've left behind in recent weeks -- and what virtual worlds of all kinds now make possible: The chance to be in crowded spaces with many people.
Presenting the "No Social Distance" Crowded Avatars Challenge! Here's the rules:
- Take screenshots of user avatars posing together in a virtual world -- the more, the better.
- Be creative about the crowding! Recreate a movie scene or something from current events, or whatever comes to mind when you read the words "no social distance".
- Despite the fact that some of you read the last rule and thought, "giant orgy!", please keep submissions PG-13.
- Strongly recommend pics without masks, PPE, and other pandemic-related paraphernalia. (Not having to worry about COVID-19 in virtual worlds being the whole point of this challenge!)
- Upload your picture to Flickr or Instagram and tag it "#NoAvatarSocialDistance".
- Post a link to the Flickr/Instagram picture in Comments of this post and include your name for credit and award (see below).
- Deadline: Image link must be posted to Comments of this post by May 5th, 12:01am PST!
New World Notes image curator Cajsa Lilliehook and I will select our 3-5 favorites based on amount of avatars and artistic quality, and put the final winner up for a reader poll (assuming we get at least three great submissions). And to make things a bit more interesting, I'll award L$10,000 to the grand prize winner.