Great thread, as I said, including some SLers in comments. While I argued that Neal Stephenson's original novel which described the Metaverse included games, one Hacker News reader notes that Stephenson later made the connection between the Metaverse and games even clearer in a 2011 interview:
When I was thinking up the Metaverse, I was trying to figure out the market mechanism that would make all of this stuff affordable. Snow Crash was written when 3D imaging graphics hardware was outrageously expensive, only for a few research labs. I figured that if it were ever going to become as cheap as TV, then there would have to be a market for 3D graphics as big as the market for TV. So the Metaverse in Snow Crash is kind of like TV.
What I didn't anticipate, what actually came along to drive down the cost of 3D graphics hardware, was games. And so the virtual reality that we all talked about and that we all imagined 20 years ago didn't happen in the way that we predicted. It happened instead in the form of video games. And so what we have now is Warcraft guilds, instead of people going to bars on the street in Snow Crash.
Another Hacker Newswer makes a great case that the Metaverse needs great physics before it needs games:
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