The owner of the now-defunct InWorldz, a commercial spinoff of OpenSim (which is, in turn, an open source spinoff of Second Life) , is working with many users to crowdfund a new OpenSim world. Meanwhile, other InWorldz members are reportedly moving on to other grids. According to Metaverse Traveller, other OpenSim-based worlds, including Discovery Grid, Kitely, and DigiWorldz are seeing an uptick in InWorldz exiles:
I sent an email to Terry (Butch Arnold) of
DigiWorldz asking and he replied, "We have received many new InWorldz users over the past few days. We've added approx. 150 new users to our system since 7/24/2018 and we've also added approx. 42 new regions in that same period."
... I also asked Ilan Tochner at Kitely grid, which is well known for it's unique cloud-based worlds on demand, to see if they were experiencing a similar influx. Ilan Tochner replied, "We've seen a significant number of people migrate into Kitely as a result of Inworldz's pending shutdown."
More here. However, one world doesn't seem to be seeing much growth (so far) from any movement of exiles -- Second Life itself.
Since late July, when word of InWorldz's troubles emerged, Second Life has not seen any sharp growth in user concurrency:
Why It's So Hard to Create a Successful Successor to Second Life (Comment of the Week)
Good conversation on OpenSim's struggle to become a viable consumer product capped by this comment from reader "Pulsar":
There's been several attempts to create a Second Life successor -- Cloud Party was showing promise, until Yahoo! gobbled it up a few years ago, where it remains, presumably undigested somewhere its corpulent innards -- but none have really gained traction as yet. Pulsar has a theory why:
Continue reading "Why It's So Hard to Create a Successful Successor to Second Life (Comment of the Week)" »
Posted on Monday, June 11, 2018 at 12:23 PM in Comment of the Week, Open Sim, Open Source/Reverse Engineer | Permalink | Comments (3)
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