Like life, the Metaverse finds a way. While the long-awaited, official Rec Room app for Vision Pro is still in development (the company's partnership was announced last June), here's a Rec Room streamer already unofficially exploring the virtual world with Apple's HMD.
This is possible, as "Grizzly" explains, via the iVRy Driver for SteamVR, an app which enables you to run an application from iPhone and other devices as a VR headset application from your PC -- and to run Steam VR on Vision Pro. And thus, run Rec Room on Apple's headset. Watch above!
As Grizzly notes, hand-tracking is a bit kludgy, but otherwise, looks like it runs pretty well -- maybe not well enough to play most live action Rec Room games, but at least decent enough for basic exploring/social interaction.
This is hardly the first instance of a metaverse platform running on Vision Pro (see below), which suggests a strong desire by VR enthusiasts to connect Apple's headset to various multi-user, avatar-driven virtual worlds. (Notwithstanding Apple's Spatial Computing, non-avatar Persona model.)
Continue reading "Watch: Running Rec Room on Apple Vision Pro (via iVRy Driver for SteamVR)" »
In Praise of Rec Room's Live Creation & Teaching Features -- and a Defense of Its Cartoonish Graphics (Comment of the Week)
Many interesting comments in last week's post about Philip Rosedale's desire to bring back in-world, collaborative creation as the gold standard, including this one by Martin K., going into detail about how many resources it has for that feature.
Rec Room the company also has a very active YouTube channel devoted to in-world creating and scripting (see above).
Writing further, Martin somewhat objects to my comment that Rec Room's cartoonish, blocky graphics may not be broadly appealing:
Continue reading "In Praise of Rec Room's Live Creation & Teaching Features -- and a Defense of Its Cartoonish Graphics (Comment of the Week)" »
Posted on Monday, July 18, 2022 at 03:34 PM in Comment of the Week, Rec Room | Permalink | Comments (3)