Last Friday, Linden Lab spokesperson Peter Gray responded to my e-mail to him from last Wednesday, asking if it was true, as original reports and an interview with CEO Ebbe Altberg seemed to suggest, that Project Sansar would require users to create accounts with their real life names. Peter insists that this is not accurate, but I haven't gotten an official response from Altberg himself, despite three follow-up e-mails requesting one.
"As Ebbe said [in the interview]," Peter told me, "requiring a user to provide their real identity to Linden Lab in order to create an account wouldn't preclude one from using a pseudonymous (or anonymous) persona when interacting with other users on the platform. This is quite clear in the quotes below: 'So I could go into a role-playing, or into an experience as an anonymous user in that context. But to the platform, I am not anonymous...It’s definitely something we’re thinking a lot about. But do I want that people in Sansar should be able to walk around anonymously? Absolutely!'"
However, in another part of the very same interview, Ebbe also suggested that the company is considering an identity system which integrates Facebook's real name policies with a pseudonymous one akin to Second Life and Twitter:
Transferring Second Life Content to Sansar is "Make-or-Break" for Sansar (Comment of the Week)
Second Life brand owners have been uncharacteristically quiet about Project Sansar, and reader "Rei" has a good explanation why:
Continue reading "Transferring Second Life Content to Sansar is "Make-or-Break" for Sansar (Comment of the Week)" »
Posted on Monday, September 26, 2016 at 02:16 PM in Comment of the Week, Sansar, SL 2 | Permalink | Comments (26)