Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
“Flickr Stats – PRO Accounts – Are you doing more than needed?” is a not to be missed post at SasyScarborough.com written by the aforementioned Sasy Scarborough. Sasy is one of the OG bloggers who set the standard for many years. She’s been on a short hiatus and I, for one, am thrilled that she posted this most recent blog post and not just because it is a topic I feel strongly about -- Flickr and Flickr groups.
When I blogged fashion, I would post my pictures in the store groups for the blogged items, the redhead group, a closeup group and then, if I shot pics somewhere, the group for the sim, usually less than ten groups. Posting in multiple groups, often in response to creator demands, has gone off the rails and sometimes you see someone has posted in over 200 groups. With that big a net, do you think it’s possible for the blogger to respect the purpose of the group? There’s my pet peeve, fashion pictures in groups devoted to cats, birds, fish, rainbows, etc.
But Sasy looked at the issue from a statistical perspective to see if all that effort pays off.
One of her key findings: Most of the actual views of your Flickr images are from your own personal Flickr feed -- not from images you post to SL groups on Flickr.
For much more on her stats, check out her full post.
And for more from Sasy’s blog, click here: