The United States Federal Reserve is seriously looking into the idea of creating an official US$ virtual currency -- a move, as Politico explains, "that could shake up banks, give millions of low-income Americans access to the financial system."
Before doing that, however, the Fed might want to read this white paper memo addressed to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, written for the Aspen Institute's tech policy hub. It's authored by Gene Yoon, who has some important if remarkably quirky experience with virtual currency, as a lead executive with Linden Lab during Second Life's peak period of economic growth.
"I had my time managing a 'toy' digital currency back at Linden Lab," as he puts it on Twitter. "At its height, the L$ was used in over half a billion real USD worth of transactions per year. I think the US Fed would be making a mistake in moving forward with this -- the mistake is only in going Fed-first. The United States has a wonderful advantage in 'the laboratory of the states' - experimental policies can more safely be trialed at the state level."
There is, Gene tells me, a specific example of something that happened with the Second Life economy that feeds into his advice to Secretary Yellen now: